A pretty boring blog of my cycling commute along part of the canal. Some of the entries detail my attempt to cycle the whole canal in a day (click on the "Whole Canal" label to see those posts)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
That's better..
After last week's soft tire trouble, the bike was back on form today and I flew into work and then home again.
I'm back! (and it's cold and wet enough to be interesting again!)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
T-shirt weather ...
.. this morning although my toes were f freezing. Nice and muddy. Nothing exciting happened. Great sunrise but phone buried in rucksack so no photo.
Was meant to cycle last week but spoke broke. Only 85p to fix it but kept forgetting to drop off at Halfords....
Nice to have the lights back on properly. Dazzled a few dog walkers.
Bored now..
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I wonder how many people...
I wonder how many people saw a swimming deer, a kingfisher, 4 herons, a jay and 2 dippers on their commute to work this morning?
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
.. I know I wasn't going to post anything else boring this week but ....
My legs are knackered! Tomorrow's going to be hard and Thursday, Friday more so.
Also, I've just remembered we're cycling the footpath to Skipton on Saturday with the Scouts .... :|
Riding again.
Well, back in the saddle after 4 weeks.
Maybe it's just because I was tired after my camping holiday but my legs were slow today. Surely it can't still be tiredness from the Liverpool to Leeds trip !?!
Lovely sunny morning though and incredibly wet under foot which made for an enjoyable and muddy ride in.
Kit washed in the shower and hung outside to dry before tonight's trip home. It really adds something to the look of the office car park!
Will try to cycle every day this week but I promise not to update the blog with boring nonsense every afternoon (just today) !
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Big Day
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Leeds |
The YHA itself was fantastic. I mentioned to the chap that I was going straight to bed (after one of their bottles of beer) and getting up early so he found an empty dorm for me and said he'd try to book others in elsewhere. He did. For £16 I had a large en suite dorm to myself - perfect.
After sorting my kit out (photo) I settled down for the night. As predicted, I didn't sleep much and so finally, at 3am, I decided to get up.
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I'd printed out and laminated a few, small (A6), maps for the trip. The first one, was just big enough to show Liverpool Lime Street, the YHA and the start of the canal. It certainly navigation hassle free. The other maps were for navigating around the 2 tunnels (Gannow and Foulridge) either side of Burnley. I also had the mile matrix from Tow Path Treks with me.
The start of the canal was odd. It just starts, from nothing, behind a new housing estate. I'm used to riding the dark canal at night, with lights, but heading out of a strange city was definitely a bit eerie. Thankfully I didn't see anyone for at least 30 minutes until I came across fisherman who loomed out of the darkness. He made some comment about my "F'ing aggressive lights". - Haha - Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave :)
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1.5 hrs in |
I can't remember enough to give you a mile by mile account (it'd probably be pretty boring anyhow). From this point until Wigan the towpath altered between thin, gravelly track and grassy, dry, mud. I nearly came off a couple of times as the wheel edged into the side of a deep rut and flipped me sideways. Luckily I stayed on but at one point my right knee jarred and this was going to give me some pain for the rest of the journey.
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Wigan |
From Wigan, a few things of note happened before I reached the halfway point at Church. First of all, there was a rain shower which threatened to make things a bit tougher. Luckily it soon petered out and left me cooler and refreshed. At around this point my knee was becoming increasingly painful and so was my backside. Stupidly I'd forgotten to apply my Vaseline before setting off. I also had a clatter under a bridge which made it worse and bumped my chain off as the wheel got stuck between some cobbles. Bridges actually caused a few problems (mainly in built up areas) where there was a lot of glass. On numerous occasions I had to jump off and carry my bike to safety. Before reaching Church I also had the displeasure of seeing the canal side in Blackburn. Now, Blackburn might be a nice place but viewing it from the canal, it looked like a complete dump. Dirty, ugly and unfriendly. Unsurprisingly this was where most of the glass was. I felt more uncomfortable riding through Blackburn in daylight than I did Liverpool in the dark.
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Half way |
The half way point proved to be a real boost. I'd been flagging for half an hour or so and was aware that my positive thoughts had become a bit more negative. Every little frustration had been getting on my nerves and I'd quietly been swearing at some of the people I'd passed who looked grumpy, did not exchange hellos or failed to move over enough. The pain (alternating between knee and backside - but never both together?!?) and dehydration were probably to blame. However, after my stop in Church I was a new man. The pain subsided and I was flying towards Burnley... and lunch!
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Gannow Tunnel |
Foulridge tunnel appeared at the end of a pleasant stretch of towpath in glorious sunshine. I passed some happy pensioners who were pleased to step aside and before long had zipped through the country lanes and free-wheeled down into Foulridge (with the help of my preprinted map). Unfortunately the cafe didn't have any Lucozade (oops) so I bought 5 bottles of water and a couple of Mars Bars before pressing on.
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Foulridge Tunnel |
Just before Gargrave I decided to stop. I still hadn't had my ready meals and I was really fed up. After an All Day Breakfast, a Chicken Casserole and some Kendal Mint Cake I was buzzing again. I'd also had a boost from checking my text messages. It turns out that the tracker I had set to automatically update my blog had stooped working at 5am and my wife thought I was floating dead in the canal somewhere near Aintree.... I re-established contact and they said they wanted to wave as I passed by somewhere before Leeds. I sent a text back suggesting Bingley but only if they wanted to and possibly in a couple of hours time. That was great but I didn't know if they were going to be there. With fatigue setting in I was really looking forward to seeing my wife and children before the final 16 miles but would they be waiting? Arrgh, if they're not there, it's going to be horrible...
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16 miles to go |
The next 16 miles were pretty straight forward. Hard because I know every inch from Shipley to Leeds but easy because I could visualise the final stretch. I spent the time thinking about the last lock and the McDonalds that was going to follow.
At 17:47 I reached the end of the canal having started at exactly 04:04. In total I probably stopped for about an hour. I don't think I've ever sat on something for 13 hours straight - let alone a bike!
After a quick cycle back to the office (to get the car) and a 1/4 Pounder Meal, I headed for home.
What a day. I was lucky with the weather but I think I did pretty well. I didn't have any mechanical failures, I had enough fuel and I knew enough about the route to keep the demons at bay when times got hard.
If you're thinking of doing the same, check out the various blogs online for ideas and tips. Google Streetview is great for visualising where you start and end, as well as working out how to get around the tunnels with the minimum of fuss. It really felt like I'd been to some of these places before. I like planning and left nothing to chance. I took plenty of kit with me and needed very little of it. If I was doing it next weekend I'd take the same stuff again (see kit list earlier in blog). As an individual, I'm fairly self sufficient and had not planned on seeing anyone I knew en route. The boost I had at Bingley though, when family and friends turned up, was great! Above all, it's so important to take on enough fluids and calories.If you're going to stop every 90 minutes, do it. Don't wait for a quieter or prettier bit of canal.
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The end. |
Thanks also to www.towpathtreks.co.uk for the invaluable advice and links on their site.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
All packed.
Carrying 4,500 calories to get me to Burnley... should be plenty!
Kit List
(in no particular order)
Clothing Fuel
waterproof trousers 2 x bagels (breakfast)
waterproof jacket 2x preworkout carb bars
waterproof socks 12 energy cereal bars
waterproof gloves 2x ready meals
cycling tights (padded) Kendal mint cake
spare socks Jelly Babies
trainers Mars Bar
shorts (to travel in) 5 x Lucozade (500ml) (buy more at Burnley)
wicking top
Medical Other
first aid kit maps (tunnels & mile matrix)
suncream spoon
vaseline (!) cards & cash
ibuprofen phone
paracetamol spare phone battery
toohbrush & paste
Bike Kit
2x inner tubes
tool kit
chain tool
spare chain
2x cables
spare tyre ("folded" up)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Positive mental visualisation
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Er... Halfords ...
(Gear trouble. Hopefully nothing major.)
[edit] They'd booked it in wrong and no one knew it was there!? Glad I rang to check. Anyhow, one of the cogs is bent so they've ordered a new rear cassette. Hopefully I'll have it back on Wednesday.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
More preparation ..

Yeay - less than a week to go. I'm getting quite excited about it all now. Luckily this week at work's pretty busy so hopefully the time will fly by.
I've bought 2 ready to eat meals from GoOutdoors today to add some variety to my Towpath fuel.

Chicken casserole (c400 calories) .. yum?!
My bag's packed. I have decided to use the pack and chest rig I've used for running and cycling for several years. It's a Raidlight Endurance rucksack which can carry plenty of liquid, has enough space for spare kit and is also nicely balanced and never gives me backache (famous last words). I've been practising with a larger rucksack carrying about 5 litres of water to get used to carrying weight.

1) A map for each of the tunnels so I don't get lost navigating around them (double sided and coated with plastic so that they survive in my pack).
2) A route map so that I can have a visual prompt for how far I've got / or not.
3) The mile matrix from www.towpathtreks.co.uk (here)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Ooh, that was quite hard...
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Entrance to Foulridge Tunnel |
Dodging the walkers on the way back from Skipton to home was frustrating. None of the old ones heard my bell and the rest just seemed to panic. Why dance about, jump into the bushes and stop walking? - Just move to the side and keep walking you muppets.
Fuelling worked OK although I should have had more drink (it was sunny most of the way). Every 90 minutes I made sure I had finished a bottle of Lucozade and an oaty energy bar (probably not quite enough).
The bike held up very well although it needs to go back to Halfords this week because one of the gear cogs kept slipping (my favourite gear too!) Apart from this, all the replaced parts stayed tight.
Physically, the hardest part (apart from legs) was possibly the pounding my wrists and fingers took from the bumpy terrain and leaning forward onto the handle bars. The occasional, long, flat bits of towpath allowed me to ride handsfree and have a good stretch when needed.
Back side? - Sore!
I saw my second Kingfisher up close too! It's funny how small things can really get your head back in the right place as you're grinding out the miles along a tough bit of towpath.
As usual, I talked to myself quite a bit (we all do that don't we?)
Overall, very pleased. 76 miles is well over half way and should get me from Liverpool to about 10 miles short of Foulridge. If I can crunch that by lunchtime on the big day, it'll be a doable run into Leeds in the afternoon.
No big rides planned now until the 28th. Rest and some more planning. I want to make sure I know where I can quickly and easily find more Lucozade and possibly some chocolate by the canalside between Liverpool and Foulridge. I saw loads of signs for Cream Teas, Pub grub and real ale... very hard to keep riding!
If I remember anything else useful / of interest I'll update the post throughout the week.
The canal part of today's cycle can be seen below.
View Esholt to Foulridge Training Ride in a larger map
Saturday, July 14, 2012
2nd long practice ride.
Let's see how it goes.
1 large bowl of porridge (300kcal)
1 chocolate and caramel starter bar (260kcal)
4 bottles of Lucozade (460kcal)
4 oat and fruit high energy bars (800kcal)
... and a bike with almost every moving part replaced!
total calories 1820 calories but still a deficit of 2740 so i'm not sure what that'll mean.....
[EDIT] - forgot to mention I got my bike back. Virtually all moving parts apart from the brakes have been replaced including cassettes, jockey wheels, cables, pedals, bottom bracket etc... not surprising since I haven't spent much money on it for the last 1500 miles.....
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Next Sunday's training run

These will be put to good use as I take on 76 miles from home to Esholt to Foulridge back to home. I estimate 6 hours and 4200 calories so it will be interesting to see how I get on.
76 miles is 59% of my total ride from Liverpool to Leeds so there's plenty to learn this weekend.
I just hope my bike's back in time #comeonhalfords (who incidentally did not ring me as asked today to discuss repairs etc)
Monday, July 9, 2012
Bike Service
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Kit List

Starter for 10 ..
Bike spares: 2x inner tubes, pump, toolkit, padlock, 2x cables, lights
Clothing: sealskinz socks and gloves, waterproof jacket & trousers, tights (cycling!), spare socks, wicking top etc
Food: 4x Lucozade bottles (can top up at petrol stations en route), 8x energy bars, 3x ready meals, jelly babies...
Other: first aid kit, Vaseline, phone, money, duck tape (never leave home without some!)
There must be more than this..?
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Into Leeds, back. Into Leeds, back - 52 miles of very very wet muddiness.
and..... I SAW MY FIRST KINGFISHER!!!!! .... woooooooohooooooooooo! :)
Very pleased. I was smiling like a nutter for quite a while.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
This coming week I should be on the bike Monday and Tuesday but my mileage counter's a bit out of date so I'll sort that out.
The bottom bracket of my bike (where the pedals go in) is starting to wobble so Halfords can have it on Wednesday to hopefully get it fixed before next week. This bike has done well over 1,000 miles now so I suppose it's bound to have a few problems.
Last few trips have been good fun. nice to see plenty of new life on the canal - cygnets, ducklings, goslings etc etc. I think I might have seen the elusive Kingfisher but since I'm not sure it's still elusive!
Mixing my cycling in with a bit of running and gym work now as I hope to cycle the whole canal on one day in July and the fitness levels need to go up a bit... :)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Blocks of ice
Plenty of wildlife sights, mating ducks, mating swans, mating blackbirds ... everything was mating!
Bloody cold though. Some of the ice didn't break too well and by the time I got to work the ice and mud had gunked up my gears and my feet and lower limbs were caked in ice.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Riding Home
a) taking too long on the longer, darker, muddy towpath
b) less likely someone'll jump me in the dark
This road biking is giving me all sorts of new conundrums though with fellow cyclists..
To overtake / not overtake? Say hello / ignore?
..and then how aggressive should I be with crappy drivers? Driving too close always gets a shout and a wave. Cars sitting in MY cycle lane definitely get a "what are you doing you muppet" shrug of the shoulders and turning left across me.? that's going to get them everything I can muster!